Update 2023-06-25: Added orange repaint and previously unfinished cycle models.

I created the model for this project in Blender 2.78c. Drawing it involved referencing the original in-game model along with some screen shots. Since the in-game model is low-poly with a texture projection I had to imagine the feature depth and spent time referencing the original TRON lightcycles to come up with something that felt like a good cross between those and Arma's interpretation.

This project was printed with the guidance of Kevin from Inventimark. I made this before I knew anything about 3D modeling and the topology is horrendous. I'm not good at finishing prints yet but overall I'm happy with the result and I might make a version that doubles as a USB drive with the portable version of Arma on it.

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Arma Cycle 1 Arma Cycle 2 Arma Cycle 3 Arma Cycle 4 Arma Cycle 5 Arma Cycle 6 Arma Cycle 7 Arma Cycle 8 Arma Cycle 9